“When kids walk through that blue door, we have learning opportunities that are infused with fun. Our staff are ready for the kids; and they’re excited to see the kids.”
~BGCCC Executive Director Brian Beaulieu
At the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chaffee County, we open doors for kids so they can explore new ideas, learn new skills, and share new experiences together. Our programs focus on these key areas:

The Arts
ARTS AND CRAFTS | Daily art activities engage all members as they work in media such as watercolor, sculpture, and beadwork.
DIGITAL ARTS FESTIVAL | Each festival is the culmination of one of the five Digital Arts Suite (DAS) programs: Music Tech, Photo Tech, Movie Tech, Web Tech, and Design Tech.
FIBER ARTS | Members work with volunteers from the county’s vibrant arts community to learn knitting, looming, weaving and crochet.
GROUNDED IN MUSIC | Introductory guitar, keyboard, and drum classes.
IMAGE MAKERS PHOTOGRAPHY | Members learn and practice photography methods.
NATIONAL FINE ARTS EXHIBIT| Members’ works are showcased in a county-wide competition with selected winners moving on to regional and national BGCA competitions.
TALENT SHOW | Summer program featuring Club members performing solo and in groups.

Character & Leadership Development
KEYSTONE (ages 13-18) | Three focus areas: academic success, career preparation, and community service.
SOCIAL ACTION PROJECT (ages 9-18) | Youth leaders choose an issue that helps their community make a transformative change.
TORCH CLUB (ages 10-13) | A nationally chartered small-group leadership club serving boys and girls.
YOUTH FOR UNITY / CARING COMMUNITY | Helps Club members appreciate themselves as unique individuals; understand our society’s diversity; recognize bias and unfairness; and take personal leadership in confronting bias.
YOUTH OF THE YEAR & MEMBER OF THE MONTH (ages 14-18) | This recognition program is the cornerstone of BGCA’s Character and Leadership initiatives. It promotes and celebrates young people’s service to the Club, community, and family; academic performance; moral character; life goals; and poise and public speaking abilities.

Education & Careers
DRONE ZONE | Utilizes Tello Edu drones with engaging lessons that teach kids how to code by flying drones through intricate courses. The coding portion of the class provides members with the skills necessary to explore computer coding at an advanced level.
CLUB TECH | Teaches members technical skills and integrates technology into program areas.
¡HABLA ESPANOL! | Members learn beginning conversational Spanish while absorbing the culture through history, food, and games.
JUNIOR STAFF (middle & high school) | A practical small-group program that assists Club teens in exploring a career in youth development or other human services.
KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE CHESS CLUB | Instruction provided by staff and experienced community players. Participants engage in monthly tournaments.
MINECRAFT EDU (STEM) | An educational version of the popular game Minecraft where participants learn about math, science, art, history, and music as well as digital citizenship.
MONEY MATTERS | Helps teens gain useful knowledge and skills in financial literacy.
MENTORING | Staff-led mentoring that places participants in programs that respond to their needs and interests, with weekly check-ins.
POWER HOUR (HOMEWORK HELP) | Homework help for Club members; strategies to make homework fun.
READCESS (ages 6-12) | Literacy program featuring Caldecott and Newbury Award-winning stories.
Wonders of Science (STEM) | Hands-on learning through science-based activities and experiments.

Health & Life Skills
CAREER TRACK | Area professionals talk about their careers and what it took to get to their position, followed by a Q&A and pizza!
FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Building on Healthy Habits, this program teaches youth to make healthy snacks and meals. Members plan, create and EAT their tasty masterpieces.
DATE SMART (ages 13-18) | Teens learn to advocate for and achieve mutually supportive relationships free of violence and abuse.
GARDEN CLUB | Through a partnership with Guidestone and Salida Middle School, members plan, plant, harvest and sell (at the Club’s weekly Farm Stand) their produce.
HEALTHY BREAKFAST / HEALTHY SNACK | Members receive a healthy afternoon snack to boost their mental and physical energy. During the summer the Club also provides free breakfast to all members.
HEALTHY HABITS & HEALTHY HABITS COOKING CLUB | Youth learn the benefits of eating smart and being physically active.
NETSMARTZ | (ages 6-14) This online program gives members tools to protect themselves and others from cyberbullying and online predators.
PASSPORT TO MANHOOD (ages 11-14) | A program that concentrates on specific aspects of manhood through highly interactive activities.
SMART (SKILLS, MASTERY AND RESISTANCE TRAINING) MOVES (ages 6-12) | A nationally acclaimed, comprehensive prevention program that helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and avoid premature sexual activity.
SMART GIRLS (ages 8-17)| A health, fitness, prevention/education, and self-esteem enhancement program for girls.

Sports, Recreation & Fitness
BIKE CLUB | A seasonal program focusing on the joy of riding a bike with friends.
FLOOR BALL |Similar to floor hockey but with lighter/safer sticks; weekly games for boys and girls.
FUN RUN | Members and community members run together through a one-mile trail; T-shirts are provided to members who run 5 or more times.
ROCK CLIMBING | Members learn safe rock-climbing skills on the 20 foot climbing wall in our Salida Club gym.
MOUNTAIN CLUB | A summer program where members learn skills in camping, fishing, and mountain biking.
NINJA CLUB (ages 6-12) | Members gain mastery of skills in flexibility, stealth, core-strengthening exercises, and reflective mind-focus meditation.
PICKLEBALL | The sport emphasizes good sportsmanship and physical fitness.
PICKUP SPORTS | Weekly games of basketball, flag football, soccer, dodgeball, relay races, and more, open to all members.
ROLLERSKATING| Weekly skate program providing opportunities for beginners and experienced members.
SPARK FITNESS | Increases Club members’ knowledge of healthy habits, good nutrition, and a love for lifelong physical fitness.
STACKERS | Sport stacking promotes physical fitness and academic learning.

Specialized Initiatives
CARD CLUB | Members learn social recreation, math, and strategy skills through competitions with trading card games.
3-D PRINT IT | Technological artistry of 3-D model designing and printing that utilizes multiple STEM aspects. This program also teaches problem-solving, spatial logic, and program-specific computer software.
FIELD TRIPS | Trail hiking, miniature golf, zip line, rafting, movies, art museums, Great Sand Dunes, Denver Zoo, Colorado Rockies game, to name a few.
TEEN NIGHTS (ages 13-18) | The Club sets aside a regular night to provide programming for teens.
BGCCC partners with other youth organizations throughout the year: Salida and Buena Vista Recreation, Family & Youth Initiatives, our libraries, Salida Aspen Concerts, Salida Creativity Lab, Guidestone, Alpine Achievers, La Puente, AmeriCorps, GARNA, and our Buena Vista and Salida School Districts.